Has anyone been curious how my weeping fig cuttings made out?! I thought it was time for an update.... they rooted!!!!! Yay!
So this is the set up I ended up using. I used this plant cover from the dollarama as a terranium. The cover is meant to sheid your plants in your garden from wind, etc. But it has a couple openings on top for vents and worked perfectly to keep the humidity up.
The humidity generally was always between the 80-90%. A couple times I started to notice mold starting to form so I gently wiped it off with a paper towel. After a little more research I discovered I should have been removing the cover for about an hour a day. I only had it off for the time it took to change the water in the cups. Good to know for next time but I don't think it destroyed my efforts this round.
Here are the roots.
Now that there are a few roots more than half an inch long, they are ready to plant.
I decided to only plant 2 because the third only had 2 roots formed. Though they are half an inch long I want to hold off a bit longer and see if any more will sprout.
Apparently roots grown in water are very delicate so I'm nervous to see if they will continue to grow now that they are in dirt. I will see how they do and let you know if this next step is a success.
We started building a shed last weekend. The past few days have been rainy and windy but today is nice again. I'm hoping we will be able to get more done this weekend.
Have a great weekend everyone!