I finished another project today. The need for this project came about as one of my decor ideas did not work out. So this was plan B.
A little back story first... I had tracked down a large half windmill in hopes of hanging it up on a wall above the "hallway" area of our main floor. But it was a tad too big and completely filled the space. I was super sad because I loved the industrial look and the shape of the half moon. Well, I was able to keep the industrial look with a smaller round windmill blade but the circle looked odd in the space. So I had to come up with an idea to fill the space on the sides. Something to frame the windmill. I thought it would be a good idea to make some arrows to keep in theme with the arrows on my gallery wall but I also wanted something a little more "feminine" to balance out the industrial windmill blades.
So I created these "feminine" arrows.
First I drew out the design.

Then I cut out my design and stenciled it on some wood. I used my new saw I got for Mother's Day and cut out 2 arrows.
I sanded the edges smooth and stained them so that when I distressed them it would look like old wood underneath.
I slapped on some white paint.
Then I sanded them to get some of that dark stain to show through. I wanted them to look old and "antique-y".
Then I attached some hardware on the back so I could hang them up.
Here they are in their new space.
I tried explaining what I was making to a friend. It was hard to describe what a "feminie" arrow is. Maybe I should just call them accent pieces or wood art. Whatever they are, they are a little bit different and unique and I am happy with how they turned out.